Sleeping in this intolerable heatwave has been difficult for many people, where no matter if you have a fan or sweat-wicking bedsheets, you just can’t get comfortable.
Let’s face it, our British homes and bodies just aren’t built for heatwaves. We’re prepped for cold winters – which is actually where this hack comes in.
On the Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK, one inventive poster recommended freezing a hot water bottle and sleeping with this to cool down.
They wrote: ‘If you’re feeling the heat – fill a hot water bottle no more than 2/3 full of cold water and pop it in the freezer for a few hours, stays cold for hours especially at night #bliss (cover if needed).’
The post attracted a lot of attention (likely from the hot, bothered, and sleepy among us) and now has over 12,000 likes on the group.
It’s important to note, however, that this tip isn’t without its risks.
One commenter warned: ‘Pretty sure I read if you also do this then don’t use the same water bottle during the winter, as freezing affects the seal at the top. Don’t want any burns to happen.’
This is because the water in the bottle expands as it freezes, and if it expands around the vacuum seal at the top it can damage it, making it leaky in future.
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Although reducing the amount of water in the bottle can make a difference, it’s certainly not worth getting burned once winter comes around.
If you want to freeze your hot water bottle make sure you use it in only this way, perhaps marking one as a cold water bottle and one for hot water to avoid confusion.
It was also noted that this might leave a wet patch in your bed, so if you have some sort of mattress protection now would be the time to deploy it.
Mattresses typically take a while to dry, and can get damp-smelling or mouldy if they’re not ventilated while this happens.
Basically, be safe and careful if you try this hack. But if you’re suffering in the heat and have another hot water bottle (and/or don’t mind a wet patch in the bed) it could be just the thing.
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