Gel Ice Pack CMC Freezing Bag for Food Storage
Company Profile

Shanghai ZhengQian New Materials CO.,LTD has been devoted ourselves to the development and research of cold and hot compress technology and manufacturing.Our company has more than 10 assembly lines that are supervised and managed by professional designers and managers. as a result of seamless coordination and cooperation from various departments all our products have successfully passed the European Union CE Certification,USA FDA Certification,Switzerland SGS and the MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet).90% of our products are exported overseas,mainly to Europe(12%),USA(18%),Japan and Korea Republic(total 45%),and other countries(10%).Our products consist of super ice packs,biological ice packs,ice boxes,blue ice,soft ice packs,hand warmers,head/eye/facial masks,instant cold/hot packs,winy ice-cover,cola bottle coolers,freezing medium,cooling neckties and relating products.We are adhering to the "Quality+Service" for the purpose of the company,honest, trustworthy as our business philosophy. We sincerely hope that with the support and co-operation from the local and foreign business associates and partners,we will become one of the main enterprises to be reckoned with in the hot/cold compress industry in china in the near future.
Brief Specifications
Description | |||
Application | |||
For Ice Usage ! | |||
Material | Color | Ingredient | Size |
PVC | Custom | CMC+water | 15*10cm |
Weight | Logo | OEM | Color Standard |
200g | Custom | Yes | Pantone |
